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The sustainable Asset of Coconut Waste

by Matthew Butler, on 13 February 2019 12:35:40 CET

A #NoTimeToWaste project for a sustainable future 

A short interview with Nikky Montesclaros about her project which explores the use of coconut as a sustainable resource from luxurious waste.

Coconut wastePlease describe briefly your work and its purpose.
"My project is about the Coconut as a luxurious waste for sustainable resource. The purpose is mainly to encourage the collection of coconut waste in the Philippines, to help resolve economic and sustainable challenges around local communities, farmers and the coconut industry."

Where did your inspiration to choose this particular topic come from?
"The inspiration came from the book "Radical Matter- Rethinking Materials for Sustainable Future". It was when I started thinking about "tropical waste" and coconuts happened to be the most rich in quantity of waste and quality of benefits."

What would you like to influence with your work?
"I want to influence designers to start thinking sustainably because we all have the skills to educate/communicate a problem visually and create designs with a cause."

What did you learn while working on this project? What you feel proud of?

"I would say that the entire semester taught me the importance of research. Contrary to how much information is available these days, there is still so much we don't know and we need to stay curious. It sure helps to know what you love, outside of the design world, because eventually your motive to create will lead you there. I would be proud if this project Im working can help strengthen waste management of agricultural waste in my country."

Anything else you would like to say/share?
"I find it ironic that I had to leave home (Philippines) to realize its potential for sustainable resource, but at thesame time it makes sense because we when we're too close, we don't see the bigger picture and to see the bigger picture, we sometimes have to step out of it."

 Dehusked Coconut8 kg coconut waste


Topics:Living Futures

